Unicorn Academy Costumes & Accessories

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Girls' Unicorn Academy Sophia Mendoza Wig
Girls' Unicorn Academy Sophia Mendoza Wig
Your little one will be channeling her inner rebel this year when she's all dolled up in our Girls' Unicorn Academy Sophia Mendoza Wig! As Sophia Mendoza, your tyke will be an independent free thinker with a real knack for breaking the rules. With some of the most gorgeous rainbow hair you've ever seen, it's no wonder your daughter wants to dress up as this magical character from Unicorn Academy this year. Whether she's riding atop unicorns for fun or chasing down Ravenzella, you bet your daughter will have the ride of her life wearing this unique wig. With this one, you will receive just the enchanted wig your daughter needs to take after her unicorn riding father and take down all the grim evils threatening the unicorn world. Featuring an absolutely gorgeous rainbow wig with streaks of blues, greens, pinks, reds, oranges, and more, this fun wavy wig will have everyone wanting to become friends with your daughter before the night is through. Pick up yours today, and then scan our site for the rest of your unicorn rider Sophia Mendoza costume!