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Suspenders are one of the essentials when it comes to funny accessories, so adding them to your costume will bring out the humor at your next costume party. Whether you're doing a period costume or an old man outfit, holding your pants up with a pair of suspenders makes you look like you're from the turn of the century. Work those old-fashioned suspenders for all they're worth to pull off a convincing old guy look.
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Adult Black Clip-on Suspenders
Adult Black Clip-on Suspenders
Do you need the perfect gangster or stage performer costume? This pair of Adult Black Suspenders is all you need to put the finishing touches on your Halloween costume. They look great with any suit or vintage disguise. The Adult Black Suspenders are available in standard unisex size. Order the Adult Black Suspenders in time for Halloween!
Adult Green Clip-on Suspenders
Adult Green Clip-on Suspenders
Whether you're dressing up as an elf, a leprechaun, or any other character in need of some green, you're going to absolutely love wearing our Green Suspenders Accessory this year. With this item, you will receive just the pair of green suspenders you need to spruce up your look in a fantastic way. Perfect with a whole variety of costumes and looks from our site, you're going to have a blast with this stylish pair!
Adult Rainbow Clip-on Suspenders
Adult Rainbow Clip-on Suspenders
Entertainers of all sorts whether mimes clowns or simply those with a wicked sense of humor need the right gear! Enchant all those who come your way with this brilliant Clown Rainbow Suspenders Accessory! Spiff up every outfit dull or colorful with the dazzling Clown Rainbow Suspenders Accessory!
Suspenders - Gold
Suspenders - Gold
All that glitters is gold and now you'll sparkle when you wear these Adult Gold Suspenders with your Halloween costume! Wear them with any costume from clowns to gangsters for a classy style. The Adult Gold Suspenders are one size that fits most and clips on. Shop for the Adult Gold Suspenders to wear at your next costume event!
Police Collar And Suspenders
Police Collar And Suspenders
Pay homage to the men and women in blue this Halloween. You know who we are talking about: police officers also known as po-po coppers the finest the fuzz the heat the law Smokey and 5-0. Put on the Police Suspenders and Collar and order a blue plate special from the diner. You've earned it.