Animal Inflatable Costumes
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These inflatable Halloween costumes will blow your friends and family away! Inflate into your favorite animal!
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The Original Kids' T-Rex Inflatable Dinosaur Costume
Stomp your way back to the Cretaceous Period with Deluxe Inflatable T-Rex Child Costume. This outfit set recreates the classic likeness of this feared predator. This creature is the same dinosaur that scared viewers in the original dinosaur age. This creature is famous for eating goats, breaking out of its cages and chasing jeeps. This creature is a carnivore and is known to be the king of all dinosaurs. That's if the Indominus Rex doesn't steal the title! Now you can become this feared dinosaur with this deluxe inflatable costume set. This outfit features this giant reptile's battle damaged exterior, an attached battery operated fan, attached shoe covers and wearable 2 fingered gloves. Dinosaur fanatics will feel large and in charge when they don this realistic outfit.

The Original Kids' T-Rex Inflatable Dinosaur Costume with Sound
The dinosaurs are no longer extinct with the Kids Inflatable T-Rex Costume with Sound. Don't be a fossil when you put this costume on. You'll look hilarious when you show up as an inflatable T-Rex. This costume comes with all you need for a great time this Halloween. It includes a full body inflatable costume with open face and gloves. A battery operated fan keeps everything going!

Boys' Velociraptor Inflatable Dinosaur Costume
Give your kid the prehistoric night of a lifetime this year when you dress them up in our Velociraptor Child Costume. With this set, you will receive everything you need to turn your tyke into a quick and agile predator who is feared amongst all other dinos. Featuring a full body green inflatable jumpsuit with attached legs, arms, a tail, and a giant head, as well as a battery operated fan, you are going to absolutely love this one.

The Original Adult T-Rex Inflatable Dinosaur Costume
Few moments in cinema history were as thrilling as the Tyrannosaurus rex reveal in the first film. It was a huge step away from the clunky claymation bodies from countless films before it, and it was the first time people had the chance to see what this massive, frightening animal might have REALLY looked like. Get ready to bring the most well-known dinosaur of all time to life with this T-Rex Inflatable Men's Costume! It's an inflatable getup that's both comfortable and eye-catching, and it even comes with a battery operated fan to help you stay cool while you stomp around at the Halloween party. Your friends and family will be impressed by the quality of your getup, and the kids will be amazed that they finally get to hang out with a T-Rex!

Adult Big and Tall Inflatable T-Rex Costume
If you thought an inflatable costume wouldn't work for you this year, think again, our Adult Big and Tall Inflatable T-Rex Costume will will be perfect! When this T-Rex costume blows up you're going to be transformed into the tyrannical king of the dinosaurs. This T-Rex outfit is a great choice if youre going out with kids, feel free to chase them while doing your best impression of the T-Rexs roar!

The Original Adult T-Rex Inflatable Dinosaur Costume with Sound
This Halloween, release a giant roar when you put on the Adult Inflatable T-Rex Costume with Sound. This fully inflatable costume features an open mouth T-Rex face bearing teeth, piercing yellow eyes, a few battlescars, and a long tail. You'll also receive a pair of T-Rex hand gloves which have within them the sound component to control the giant roar sounds you'll be delivering to all your friends and prey. Included also, is a battery operated fan to inflate your costume. When you enter the party as T-Rex, everyone is going to run in terror from you. You're the King of the Prehistoric Era. Pick up your Adult T-Rex Costume today, and this Halloween, have fun being on the top of the food chain!

Men's Velociraptor Inflatable Dinosaur Costume
Rawr! You will be the center of attention with the Adult Velociraptor Inflatable Costume. The outfit will make you tall and stick out from everyone else. Imagine a prehistoric item walking around the streets, it is going to be a sight to see! The costume includes a full body dinosaur costume with gloves that have a battery-operated fan. With this costume on, you can teach your kids about dinosaurs or just show them you still have a heart of a kid!

Adult What's Crackin Chick Inflatable Costume
Enter the party in the Adult Inflatable Chick Costume and you'll give everyone a good laugh. This fun costume features a bright yellow chick sitting in a half-open white eggshell. Pick up your costume today, and then scan our site for the rest of your Halloween costume and attire needs!

Adult Black and White Inflatable Cow Costume
Did you escape from Old MacDonald's farm? This Cow Inflatable Adult Costume One-Size is sure to impress all your friends this Halloween. The cow jumpsuit inflates and has a fan to keep you cool while you ?graze? the Halloween pastures. This Cow Inflatable Costume is an adult's one-size and fits most. Included are a jumpsuit and a battery powered fan. Get ready for cow tipping and order a Cow Inflatable Adult Costume One-Size today!

Kids' Ride In Ostrich Inflatable Costume
Here's a novel way to travel by Ostrich. The Ride-On Ostrich Inflatable Costume for Children is a playful outfit for your kit to put on this Halloween. When your child steps inside the suit and inflates it it will appear as if he is riding an Ostrich! What fun!

Adult Velociraptor Inflatable Dinosaur Costume with Sound
Head to the party wearing the Adult Velociraptor Inflatable Costume and you'll have everybody on red alert all night long. With this set, you will receive everything you need to become the scariest dinosaur in all the valley. Featuring a large green full body inflatable jumpsuit with attached legs, arms, a tail, and a head, as well as a battery operated fan and a roaring sound box, your kid is going to be stomping and roaring all day long with this one.

Adult Bigfoot Inflatable Costume
Step into the realm of mystery and intrigue with the Big Foot Adult Inflatable Costume. This captivating ensemble is bound to make you the talk of the town as everybody's favorite legendary monster. Donning a big brown inflatable Bigfoot costume from head to toe, you'll showcase the reality of Sasquatch with a comedic twist. The costume comes complete with a battery-operated fan for easy inflation. Prepare for a night filled with laughter, surprises, and unforgettable memories while wearing this remarkable costume.

Adult Moo Moo the Grazing Inflatable Cow Costume
Old Macdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O. And that farm he had a cow a hilarious inflatable cow that is! You'll be able to show off your one-of-a-kind sense of humor with the Inflatable Costume - Moo Moo The Cow - for Adults ensemble. With this oversized inflatable costume you'll be able to milk your audience for all the laughs they have to offer. With a costume like this it's go big or go home! Two battery operated fans are conveniently provided to help pump up this black and white cow costume. The large inflatable head and face of the cow towers high over your own while your arms move freely thanks to the arm holes provided in the shoulders of the costume. Your legs fit easily into the front legs of the cow costume while the back end of the cow's body and its back legs trail behind. Two inflatable horns are attached to the top of the head. Udders are attached underneath the costume and a long black tail is attached to the back. No matter what your dress up needs are this hilarious

Adult Ride In Elephant Inflatable Costume
Some people will show up Halloween parties in a nice car. Some take the bus. A few may even bicycle. You can be the only one who arrives via elephant. The Inflatable Elephant Costume for Adults includes an electric fan, a battery pack, an inflatable elephant and a hat. It's all you need to be an elephant rider for the day.

Adult Inflatable Sloth Costume
You'll be feeling happy as a sloth this year when you're wearing our Inflatable Sloth Adult Costume. With this set, you will receive everything you need to slow life down, take lots of naps, and eat food all day long. Is there anything better than living the life of a slow-moving sloth? Featuring a gray inflatable sloth costume with a giant head, as well as an electric fan and battery holder, you don't want to miss out on this great animal attire.

Adult Joey in the Pouch Kangaroo Inflatable Costume
Take a ride and hop hop hop all day long with a mama kangaroo this year when you're wearing our Inflatable Kangaroo Adult Costume. With this set, you will receive everything you need to become a kangaroo's little joey while out there in the Australian wilderness. Featuring a large inflatable brown and orange kangaroo jumpsuit which will have you all perched up in the pouch, you are not going to want to miss out on this fun animal look this year.

Adult Ballerina Hippo Inflatable Costume
What is cuter than a hippo in a tutu? Nothing, which is why you need to purchase the Adult Inflatable Hippo Costume. Complete with a shimmering pink tutu, this vinyl jumpsuit inflates using a battery-operated fan. The shoes are not included. Get some major laughs at your next costume part with this hippo outfit. It is funny enough to make you the life of the party, but cute enough to catch the eye of that handsome hippo across the room.

Kids' Velociraptor Dinosaur Inflatable with Sound
As soon as everyone saw the dancing inflatable T- Rex costumes show up on social media, we just had to have them! What would make an already awesome costume even better? Add some sound effects of course! If you like the original costume you might want to leave the room because the Kids' Inflatable Raptor Costume with Sound will make some seriously realistic raptor noises that are bound to make people turn their heads. All raptors are bound to sound and think the same, unless you are talking about the mighty Indominus Rex. We know everyone has seen these inflatable costumes before but it was time to turn it up a notch now with the a built in soundbox, your child can stomp and roar to all the Halloween parties this year. With this costume you can holler "Trick-or-treat" or just let out a ferocious ROAR.

Adult Inflatable Triceratops Costume
We've all seen the movies, they all focus on the same types of dinosaurs. They've even added some new species like the Indominus Rex to the mix but what about the dinosaurs who don't eat meat? Are they less popular because they are vegetarians? Make some room in the movie spotlight for some plant eating dinosaurs that have hid in the shadows of the T- Rex for too long. Give these not so popular dinosaurs some love this Halloween with the Adult Inflatable Triceratops Costume. Hopefully the Triceratops gets some more loving in the upcoming movie because they are completely under appreciated. As their name suggests, these herbivores had three horns, two on the tops of their head and one that sat just above their beaks. As with the iconic inflatable T- Rex costume, this fun and crowd pleasing costume is sure to get some attention everywhere you go. I mean, who doesn't love inflatable things? Plan your prehistoric group costume and don't forget this underrated dino!

Adult Inflatable Pteranodon Costume
Now who doesn't wish that they could fly? Some dinosaurs have large teeth, others are very fast, but there are not many who have a wing span up to 18 ft and can fly. Another dinosaur that has only had a few appearances in the and universe, the Pteranodon deserves a little more love. Of course, you wouldn't be saying that if you were Dr. grant and stuck in a giant bird cage with these creatures. Nevertheless, these airborne creatures are ready to make their way into your next Halloween season with the Inflatable Pteranodon Costume for Men. Now these dinos won't be the only ones with the capability to fly. With a wingspan of your own, you will have a totally unique costume that has never been seen before. Tell that inflatable T- Rex to move over because there is a bigger and better bird in town. Covered head to toe, this costume will completely transform you into one of the coolest flying dinosaurs ever to exist. Make your way

Adult Kangaroo Inflatable Costume
Hop your way into the party with boundless energy wearing our Kangaroo Adult Inflatable Costume. This set provides everything you need to become the bounciest animal in all of Australia. Step into a large brown inflatable kangaroo costume and experience the joy of leaping and jumping effortlessly. Don't miss out on this exciting animal-themed attire. Gather your friends and make it an animal costume theme night for an unforgettable celebration full of laughter and fun.